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Project | 1
Embodied Realistic Avatar System with Body Motions and Facial Expressions for Communication in Virtual Reality Applications
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Providing effective communication in virtual reality (VR) applications requires body language and facial expressions to transmit users’ thoughts and behavior. Embodied VR is an effective way to realistically render users’ movements onto a virtual avatar in a virtual environment in real time. There are many VR applications that utilize this technique; however, most of them have limitations in photorealistic realism, body motion, and facial expressions. In this work, we introduce a novel VR communication system that mimics users’ movements, facial expressions, and speech in order to render these capture data into different types of avatar representations in real-time. This system could be beneficial for any type of VR application that requires avatar-based communication in a 3D immersive virtual environment.
Project | 2
The Influence of Avatar Representation on Interpersonal Communication in Virtual Social Environments
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Current avatar representations used in immersive VR applications lack features that may support natural behaviors and effective communication among individuals. This work investigates the impact of the visual and nonverbal cues afforded by three different types of avatar representations in social context tasks. The avatar types we compared are: No_Avatar (HMD and controllers only), Scanned_Avatar (wearing an HMD), and Real_Avatar (video-see-through). We used subjective and objective measures to assess the quality of interpersonal communication. The findings provide novel insight into how a user’s experience in a social VR scenario is affected by the type of avatar representation provided.
Project | 3
COVID-Vision: A Virtual Reality Experience to Encourage
Mindfulness of Social Distancing in Public Spaces
Social distancing is currently the most effective known countermeasure against the rapid proliferation of the virus that causes COVID-19. This project aims to encourage mindfulness about maintaining interpersonal distance in shared public spaces through a multi-user virtual reality experience that simulates shopping in a grocery store. The virtual environment is populated with non-player characters that navigate through the store and also supports up to 20 concurrent live users represented as avatars. Real-time feedback is implemented using a dynamic visual effect that reacts to physical proximity, and comparative performance metrics are also provided for users to reflect on after the task is completed.
Project | 4
Freedge: Fighting Food Insecurity with Connected Infrastructure
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We created the "freedge" smart fridge network to level the playing field for the 1 in 10 Americans that live with “food insecurity”, the condition of not knowing where a next meal will come from at least once per week. To understand more about how to alleviate hunger, we spoke with food assistance organizations and conducted a cultural probe with the general public. Our research suggested our design must (1) focus on both the short- and long-term problems (2) be close to people’s homes (3) support ad-hoc use (4) enable low-obligation volunteering. Our prototype “freedge” is a device for neighborhoods to collect and distribute food donations. It has built-in cameras and locking compartments, with a companion app that allows users to browse and reserve food remotely as well as to crowdsource quality assurance.
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